Beiler's Auto Repair - Sarasota, FL

beilersautorepair.jpgServices Provided: Website Design, Content Management System Implementation

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CityMind Group was contracted to update with a new content management system and a redesign. Beiler's Auto Repair is a full-service automotive center located in Sarasota.

Beiler's current site was over 7 years old and was in need of a new content management system. The new content management system allows Beiler's Auto Repair to easily edit any of the content on there website as well as manage the photos in their photo gallery. The content management system also features a built in photo editor that allows Beiler's to quickly resize photos on the fly without have to have photo editing software installed on their computer. CityMind also created a new design that features a
cleaner look and a wider layout to take advantage of todays large monitors.